[FYI] Phishing Emails

Just a reminder from CTS that at the beginning of the semester we see a large influx of Phishing emails where someone is trying to trick you into giving out your campus username and password. Often they claim your email is running out of space, or if you don’t login and do a certain action your account will be disabled. Often (but not always) these come from emails that don’t even end with @potsdam.edu or direct you to a site that isn’t one of our potsdam.edu sites! This is a dead giveaway something is amiss. To learn more about Phishing emails and some other things to look out for, please visit our page on the topic: http://www.potsdam.edu/cts/services/emailservice/phishing.cfm

[ANNOUNCE] Pending database reboot (for moodle issues)

CTS is working to restore moodle performance to acceptable levels. As part of this effort, the main campus database server will be rebooted at 3:45 pm. The reboot should be over quickly with minimal disruption to services. However, there may be brief interruption to the following services: the campus website, moodle, maia (spam quarantine access), the Helpdesk/CTS ticketing system, and Webwork. If you experience difficult with any of these services, please try logging out of the service (or closing the web page), wait for a minute, and log in again. If issues persist, as always, contact the Helpdesk at ext. 4444 for assistance.